Dear Beta Tester, once you have experienced the GroupRide feature in the Beta Tacx Desktop App, please fill in the questions below. We are curious about your feedback and would like to take your answers into account for future development and improvements

1. Were you able to send a GroupRide invitation link to others?
2. How did you experience the GroupRide invitation flow (creating and sharing the link)?
3. How did you get to the GroupRide course in the Tacx Beta app?
4. Were you able to do a GroupRide?
5. What type of GroupRide did you do?
6. What did you think of the In-Ride / During-Ride GroupRide experience? 
7. What did you think of the Post-Ride / Cooldown-Leaderboard GroupRide experience? 
8. Do your (cycling) friends have a Tacx trainer?
9. Would you use this GroupRide feature in the future?

Please select "Submit Survey" to share your feedback with us. All data will be kept confidential within Garmin and Tacx. For any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us via [email protected].

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